I’m deleting my Twitter accounts on December 1, 2022.

I’ve been a Twitter user since 2007. Fifteen years. I’ve used it as a dumping ground for Foursquare check-ins (remember those?), to share photos, to get the news and learn more from people much smarter than I am. Now thanks to Elon’s ego and desperate need to pump chaos for clicks, I’m out.

I’ll have more to write about this later but it’s simple. I said when the first stories of Musk’s Twitter buy-out and potential reinstatement of the former president to the platform that if that happened I would delete my account. I’m a man of my word.

Musk finished the post noting that the former president’s account would be reinstated with the Latin phrase, Vox Populi, Vox Dei, or “the voice of the people is the voice of God.” Throughout the poll that proceeded his decision he continued to point to the numbers of “people” who had seen or voted in the poll. Yet it was not so long ago that Musk tried to get out of his Twitter purchase claiming that there were too many “bots” on the platform to trust any of the company’s numbers. Somehow apparently in the chaos of the first weeks of Twitter ownership the bot problem can be ignored if it gives Musk air cover to pander to the right wing.

I’m not leaving because Elon Musk bought Twitter. I’m leaving because Elon Musk cares more about monetizing conflict than keeping a repeat offender of misinformation, conflict, and incendiary language off the platform. I’m leaving because the former president is a malignant narcissist who would burn the Constitution just to bask in the glow of it.

And if you’re wondering, the title Vox automata, Vox fatuorum means “the voice of robots is the voice of fools”.

Published by Steve Banfield

Kentucky born, Seattle based. Entrepreneur. Team Builder. Photographer.

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  1. I always planned to leave most social media when I was 60 and that’s next year. Twitter is a complicated one for me because it has a huge mix of everything on there and that includes the news and the news super fast. I also like to look at the Parody accounts to remind me how many stupid people there are in the world. I hate trump but I would prefer to see what he is up to than not. I do however believe these accounts need closely monitoring. The other thing about Twitter is at least we know who owns it and runs it. So it’s a complicated one for me. There is still a huge amount of fake accounts and bots that spoil it for us and not I am flooded with adverts ! I have left so many platforms because of constant adverts. I also closed my biggest instagram accounts because of constant adverts and politics. I think Twitter might be one I keep but I will make that decision later next year. I prefer to see and hear the devil than him to sneak up behind me.


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